TWO devoted Christchurch mums who set up a support group for families of children with Down’s Syndrome are appealing for more people to reach out to them.

Ceri Tyack and Jo Duckworth were inspired to set up the group Down’s in Dorset two years ago after discovering there was no local support for parents and families of children born with the condition.

Now, just before the group’s second anniversary, Ceri, mother to three-year-old Joe, and Jo, mother to three-year-old Georgia, have stepped up their support system to families with home visits and calls and emails between meetings.

The pair, whose group meets monthly at Somerford Children’s Centre in Draper Road, welcome mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters as well as grandparents and other family members.

“It’s important that people do not feel isolated. Receiving the news that your child has Down’s is a shock but it doesn’t have to be an awful situation”, Jo said.

“The group is going really well. It’s just nice for people to talk to others in the same situation.”

Ceri added: “Because all the children who come to the group are at different stages in their development, you get advice from different people on what’s what.

“And what’s good is that our partners will talk to fathers as well. Men sometimes find it difficult to say how they are feeling and it’s important for them to do so.”

Jo said: “It’s important to say and realise that having a child with Down’s is not the worst thing in the world.

“They are still children and yes they will need more input but like any child they need love and attention and care.

“We do find there is a lack of information out there but we want people to know there is help available.”

The group is held on the first Friday of every month from 12.30pm-2.30pm for parents of children up to five years old, although they won’t turn anyone away.

Parents-to-be expecting a child with Down’s are also welcome.

The next meeting will take place on May 4 and will be a celebration for their second birthday.

Contact Ceri and Jo on or call Jo on 07772 732842 or Ceri on 07548 801650.