DO you know a young person who deserves an award?

Nominations are now being sought for this year’s Bourne Brilliant awards – an event that seeks to celebrate the achievements of the town’s young people.

The Daily Echo-backed event is the fourth of its kind and will again be sponsored by some of the town’s biggest businesses and organisations.

It aims to recognise not just the high achievers but also those young people who work hard at improving the lives of others in their youth groups, schools and in their communities and those who have overcome hurdles to succeed.

And it hopes to show young people in a positive light, helping to ensure they are congratulated for the good they do and are recognised as valuable members of the community.

Toby Granville, group editor of the Daily Echo and Dorset Echo, said: “We are delighted to be involved with such a worthy event that seeks to highlight and celebrate the success of young people across the town.

“This is a great opportunity to highlight the achievements of young people that are really making a difference in their communities.”

Nominations are sought from all parts of the community. Youngsters simply need to be aged between 13 and 21 on July 5, live in Bournemouth or attend school in the borough There are various categories – for arts stars, sports stars, inspirational role models, young local heroes, young stars of the future, triumph over adversity, young carers, outstanding contribution to the community, young volunteers and successful young teams.

Forms and nomination details can be obtained by emailing or telephoning 01202 456205. The closing date for nominations is Friday, May 25.

Three finalists in each category will be chosen by a panel of judges to be invited to a glittering Oscars-style event at the Royal Bath Hotel on July 5, where the winners will be announced.