A BURGLAR’S wish to be sent back to prison was granted after a court heard how he feels more “comfortable” while behind bars.

Former crane driver Robert Blake, 31, from St Swithuns Road, Bourn-emouth, admitted an early-morning burglary and assaulting a police constable on April 2 this year.

Prosecuting at Bournemouth Crown Court, Nick Robinson said a householder woke after being disturbed, to find Blake outside his bedroom.

“When he went to investigate he saw the defendant and there was a scuffle. Mr Blake was injured and the police were called,” said Mr Robinson.

Mr Robinson added: “Mr Blake was violent and while officers were attempting to restrain him he kicked a constable on the shin.”

During interview Blake told officers he had been stealing to fund his drug addiction and broke into the property on the spur on the moment, after spotting an open window.

In his defence, Brian Sharman said: “I’m instructed to request a three-year prison sentence so he can take part in a drug rehabilitation course. My client feels comfortable in prison and doesn’t feel the need to take drugs.”

He added: “While inside he feels at ease. He wants a substantial period of abstinence.”

Jailing Blake for two years and three months, Judge Samuel Wiggs said: “I fully understand his reasoning but I don’t think I can help.”

He told Blake: “I appreciate you are being very realistic but I do have to follow sentencing guidelines.”