A DRUNKEN barman who broke a trainee pilot’s jaw after violence flared in Bournemouth town centre has avoided prison.

Elliott Elwart, 22, from Wollaton Road, Ferndown, admitted causing Benjamin Sherrard-Smith grievous bodily harm on November 30 last year.

Bournemouth Crown Court heard how Mr Sherrard-Smith had been out celebrating with friends after completing his pilot’s training when he was attacked in Firvale Road. The incident was captured on the town’s CCTV cameras.

Prosecutor Carolyn Branford-Woods said Mr Sherrard-Smith had needed surgery and his jaws wired closed until he recovered from a fractured jaw.

She added: “As a result of his injury his future, as a commercial pilot, was put on hold and he was grounded until fit to fly.”

Defending Elwart, Robert Grey said his client accepted his guilt, adding: “He is thoroughly ashamed of himself; he is not a violent person and did not intend to cause this injury.”

Imposing a nine-month prison sentence, suspended for two years, Judge Samuel Wiggs told Elwart: “What you did to Mr Sherrard-Smith had a terrible effect on him. It is plain you are very sorry for what you did.”

Elwart was ordered to pay his victim £1,000 compensation and carry out 250 hours of unpaid community work. He will be supervised for two years.