AN INTERNET firm has started offering services using the CityFibre superfast broadband network.

Gigler is using the network that was hit by construction delays and controversy under a previous owner.

The firm will offer 1,000 Megabit download speeds - around 200 times faster than the UK average.

It is looking for customers from the 21,000 Bournemouth homes that are connected to Cityfibre.

Gigler is the first company to offer a full commercial package using the network.

The network was known as Fibre City under the previous owners.

Work ground to a temporary halt in October 2010 during a cash crisis leaving unpaid contractors and partially dug up roads, until the new firm took over.

Adam Troman, general manager at Gigler, said: “We've trialled the service with over 100 Bournemouth residents and the feedback has been fantastic.”

The network is faster than normal because it uses fibre optic cables alone and not copper for the final connection.