During the coronavirus pandemic there has been one thing keeping us all entertained - viral challenges. 

Whether it means donning our sports gear and getting active or wandering down memory lane, lockdown challenges have got the nation hooked.

Each week there seems to be a new viral challenge to excite and unite us. 

Bournemouth Echo:

The #StayAtHomeChallenge:

When the coronavirus pandemic reached our shores back in March there were two things on everyone’s lips … Bulk buying and the #StayAtHomeChallenge.

As toilet roll turned into gold dust social media was going mad with people challenging their friends to beat their toilet roll keepie-uppie’s tally.

Premier League footballers were some of the first to take part including Theo Walcott and Bruno Fernandes. 

Bournemouth Echo:

The 5/5/5 challenge:

Throughout the pandemic nothing has been more important to all of us than the NHS. 

Joining Colonel Tom Moore the nation started to fundraise for the NHS.

One of the biggest crazes running the fundraising for the NHS was the 5/5/5 challenge. 

The craze saw people take to Instagram to run 5k, donate £5 to the NHS and nominate five of their friends to do the same.  

Organised by Run for Heroes the challenge smashed through its original target of £5,000 within four days and managed to raise £5million in just a month.

The t-shirt challenge:

The t-shirt challenge is among the latest crazes to go viral and involves people putting a t-shirt on whilst upside down in a handstand. 

Jake Gyllenhaal and Tom Holland are among stars to have taken part in the difficult challenge. 

Bournemouth Echo:

The 2.5 challenge:

Virgin Media are urging people to take part in their 2.6 challenge. 

This challenge was sparked by the urgent need to fundraise for charities who would have lost vital funding from cancelled events such as the London Marathon. 

Participants must find a charity to donate to and then ask for sponsorship from friends and family as they complete any challenge relating to 2.6 or 26.

Some of the participants are cycling 26 miles a day for 10 days or walking 2.6 miles a day for a month to raise money for their favourite charities. 

Me at 20 challenge:

On Twitter users have been getting to know eachother better by taking part in a variety of challenges. 

Some of the challenges involve explaining the story behind your name and what you’d have been called if you were the opposite gender. 

But one of the funniest challenges is people posting pictures of themselves when they are 20. 

Bournemouth Echo:

30-day song challenge:

Music-lovers have also been getting involved with challenges throughout lockdown, including the 30-day song challenge. 

This challenge sees people posting their favourite songs throughout the month. 

The songs include your favourite song to drive to, cook to and one that reminds you of your teenage years.