A food expert has warned people who peel their fruit and vegetables to not make this mistake.

If you peel the skin off your fruit and vegetables, then you could be missing out on the most delicious, and crucially, the most nutritious part.

The peels are often the most concentrated source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

“We often peel fruits and vegetables and discard the skins without even thinking twice. But up to a third of the fruit and vegetable's fibre and nutrients can be found in those skins," Mimi Morley, Recipe Development Manager at food box delivery service, HelloFresh, said.

@uktoday_ Experts warn what happens when don’t wash these fruit and vegetables #uknews #fruitandveg #foodpoisoning #uknewsheadlines ♬ original sound - UKToday 🇬🇧 Newsquest

Mimi continued: "This isn't to say that all the nutrients are concentrated in the skins alone; for instance, when you peel a tomato, you won't lose a lot of the lycopene that's good for you.

"However, certain peels provide a special benefit independent from the fruit or vegetable flesh.

"Making sure you’re aware of what foods to peel before cooking them also reduces food waste and saves you a lot of prep time!”. 

Which fruit and vegetable skins are good to eat?

The food expert has broken down the five fruit and vegetables that you should eat with their kind still on.


Potato peels are a good source of iron, potassium, folate, fibre, and vitamin C. So by peeling them, you’re not only wasting food, you’re missing out on those nutrients.

Use a vegetable brush to gently clean the potato before cooking in order to retain those nutritive qualities. 


Onion peels have a tonne of taste, so there are other ways to take advantage of this flavour explosion.

Save the onion skins after peeling them and use them in broths or stews. Your meal will gain more taste and colour during the cooking phase!


Carrots are healthiest unpeeled. The carrot's skin is equally edible as the rest of the vegetable, and removing the skin simply means you're losing some of the nutrients.

All you need to do beforehand is give the carrots a wash under water before using and you’re good to go! 

Pears, plums and peaches 

Each of the peels from pears, plums, and peaches are rich in fibre, minerals, and antioxidants.

By leaving the peels on, you’re maximising the nutritious value of these fruits and in turn, adding more flavour to your dishes. It’s important to thoroughly wash your produce before eating. 

Recommended reading

Leave the skin on apples 

If you are removing the apple's skin, stop right away! The apple peel is far healthier and more nutrient-dense.

Apple skin contains the vitamins A, C, and K as well as minerals like potassium, phosphorus, and calcium, all of which are beneficial to overall health.