Would you like to get your writing published?

We're launching an exciting new project that will allow local writers like you to get published quickly and easily in your local paper and website.

The idea is that you'll be able to use our website to submit whatever's on your mind - it might be something about a community issue that's important to you, a local history feature, a flapjack recipe, a cycling route or a match report from your kids' football team. Anyone can do it, and you don't need to be an expert writer.

If you want to know more, register your interest by filling in the form below and you'll be among the first to hear about it when we're ready to launch.

And don't worry! We're not going to use your data for anything other than to contact you about this project. We won't pass on your details and you won't get spam.


You can choose as many as you like - please select all that apply

Please select all that apply

Please select all that apply

Please select all that apply