SPEEDWAY sensation Darcy Ward is hoping to pledge his long-term future to Pirates and says he is keen to “prove a point” during 2013.

Ward was speaking after promoter Matt Ford had moved to draw a line under a difficult close-season by urging people to “just get on with speedway”.

The Pirates pair gave their views to supporters and the media at the club's annual press and practice session at Wimborne Road yesterday.

Ward, who will feature when Poole begin their season in the Elite Shield at Swindon tonight, hit the headlines last month for his off-track conduct.

But with the season now set to get under way, Pirates chief Ford stressed his desire to focus solely on racing.

And Pirates number one Ward told the gathered media and supporters: “This year is a big year and it is make or break.

“A lot of things happened and I have got to prove a point. New Zealand (in the Grand Prix) was a good start.”

Talk during the winter suggested that Ward could opt not to ride in Britain due to his increasing commitments after being handed a wild-card entry into the Grand Prix series.

Ward told the Daily Echo: “It was just about if we could get an agreement and we did. I am really happy about that and I am sure Matt is too.

“I am happy to be here today and, hopefully, I am going to be happy here for many years.”

Asked if Poole would remain his preferred club if riding in England, Ward added: “One hundred per cent.

“Living at Middlo's (Neil Middleditch, team manager) is like another family for me and I guess Matt is too. He has said that to me a couple of times which is always nice. We are all bonding.”

Pirates chief Ford said: “We have been through a lot in the past few months and are here to talk about what is going to happen with speedway only.

“There have been enough apologies and let's just get on with speedway now.”

Nine of the 10 club reporters for the Speedway Star have tipped Pirates to top the Elite League.

Previewing the season, Ford added: “I always say the bookmakers don't tend to get it wrong and they have got us down as being favourites again - pretty much at 2-1. Those are incredibly short odds when, just last week, I saw Wolves at odds of 50-1.

“Nine of the 10 teams have this week tipped us to win the league and I don't want to let people down.”