CHERRIES first team coach Tommy Elphick has shared how he was “really pleased” to be appointed to Gary O’Neil’s backroom staff alongside Shaun Cooper, labelling him as “unbelievable”.

The pair initially operated on an interim basis during O’Neil’s caretaker spell in charge of Cherries, before it was confirmed they would continue their roles alongside the new boss.

Cooper had been head coach of Cherries’ development squad, with Elphick assisting him after ending his playing career in 2021.

Despite both defenders captaining the club and sharing a strong affinity for Cherries, the pair’s playing careers at the Vitality Stadium did not overlap, Cooper departing two months before Elphick arrived in the summer of 2012.

After leaving Cherries in 2016 following their first Premier League season, Elphick took in spells at Aston Villa, Reading, Hull, and Huddersfield, before turning to coaching in September of 2021.

Aware how quickly his coaching career has taken off, Elphick told the Daily Echo: “It's been a quick turnaround, but one that I've enjoyed.

"I've been very lucky to work with some great coaches at the club, Shaun Cooper being one of them, and I'm really pleased to make that step up with him.

“He's been unbelievable for me since I've come out of my playing days.

“I was in and around it a little bit last year. To see another promotion firsthand, and to see the work and the standard that this group would coach.

“That last year was brilliant as well and learned so much.”

With no designated assistant manager, coaching duties have been shared amongst O’Neil, Cooper, Elphick, and Tim Jenkins, an arrival from the youth set up at Liverpool.

Responsible for training the defence, Elphick continued: “We have split the group and naturally it's taken that path.

“As I say, Shaun Cooper, a really, really experienced coach. Tim Jenkins, the same. Obviously, he's come from a world-class set up like Liverpool.

“So the way we've supported the manager to date has worked really well. And wherever he sees where we fit within that is, I'm sure, the right way to go.”