POOLE Pirates put one foot into the Knockout Cup final with a resounding 60-29 win over Scunthorpe Scorpions.

The semi-final first leg at Wimborne Road did not quite pass without any hitches, notably the water bowser breaking during an early track grade, leaving a big pool between bends three and four.

Tobias Thomsen also suffered heavy crash which led him to withdraw from the meeting.

Pirates recorded seven heat maximums on a dominant night, the scoring led by Tom Brennan, who notched a paid maximum 14+1, and Richard Lawson (13+1).

Vinnie Foord also had a standout night with by far his biggest score in Pirates colours, totalling 6+1 from four rides.

Pirates made the perfect start, Lawson and Thomsen combining for a maximum.

It took three attempts to complete the reserves race, with Luke Harrison and Sam Hagon both excluded for their respective falls. Nathan Ablitt claimed victory ahead of Foord in the eventual two-man staging.

Ben Cook continued his recent fine form with victory in heat three, Zach Cook battling to take third.

The lead was extended to 15-8 as Brennan claimed his first win, while Foord held off Harrison at the back.

Referee Chris Durno then came down from his box to step in after a heated exchange between Pirates promoter Danny Ford and his Scunthorpe counterpart Rob Godfrey on the centre green. It followed the malfunction with the bowser which left excess water on the track.

After a delay to get the track back in shape, two shared heats followed, the second considerably more dramatic than the first.

Re-run after Ablitt slipped off, the former Pirates reserve was then sent tumbling again, after a hard attempted pass from Dane Thomsen at the back, who clipped the young Brit's rear wheel.

The ambulance was called onto track to treat Thomsen and although he fortunately walked off under his own steam, he withdrew from the rest of the meeting with an ankle injury.

Pirates then produced a string of 5-1s to take the first leg away from Scunthorpe. Brennan and Ben Cook claimed race wins, as well as Hagon, combining with fellow reserve Foord, to finish ahead of visiting skipper Simon Lambert and push the score to 36-17.

Lawson was then beaten for the first time as Scunthorpe got a rare heat advantage, Aussie Jake Allen sealing victory. He proved to be Scorpions’ top scorer on the evening with seven points.

Brennan and Ben Cook added to their tally of wins, before Poole put their foot to the floor with three maximums in the last three heats, won by Brennan, Zach Cook and Lawson.

Pirates 60: Lawson 13+1, Thomsen 2+1, B Cook 10+1, Z Cook 8+1, Brennan 14+1, Hagon 7+2, Foord 6+1.

Scunthorpe 29: Palm Toft 6+1, Lambert 3, Allen 7, Mountain 3, Howarth 6, Ablitt 4+1, Harrison 0.