POOLE’S number one Richard Lawson insists he “wouldn’t want to be anywhere else”, adding: “I just can’t speak highly enough of the club.”

Veteran Lawson, 38, is currently in his third season with Pirates, made a club asset in exchange with Glasgow Tigers for Benjamin Basso ahead of the 2022 campaign.

And he continues to go from strength to strength, leading the way for Poole this year with 130+4 points so far from 55 races across 11 meetings, winning 31.

When the points limit dropped for the SGB Championship over the winter, Pirates made the call to keep Lawson and let captain Steve Worrall go, a decision the Cumbrian is not making them regret.

Richard Lawson is Poole's leading points scorer this season (Image: Richard Crease)

Asked if he has been keen to repay that faith shown in him by the club, Lawson told the Daily Echo: “We never really spoke about that.

“I don’t know if it was a straight choice or how the team building went, but obviously Stevie is not here and I am.

“I get on really well with Danny and Matt (Ford). I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, to be honest.

“It was never in doubt in my mind.

“We actually had it tied up a couple of months before the end of the season.”

Lawson has had some rough luck during his career, but that has made him fully value how he is treated by Poole.

“It makes me appreciate it more,” he explained.

“I’ve been through some bankrupt clubs and all sorts of issues, but I’m very appreciative of where I’m at.

“Instantly, as soon as I got here, I was just accepted straightaway.

“When the fans get behind you straightway, you want to keep that ball rolling.

“They’re behind me and I want to do whatever I can for them.

“There is a lot of history behind the club and I’m glad to be a part of it.

“I just can’t speak highly enough of the club.

“Everything is done right, it’s all professional.

“When you find clubs like that, you want to go above and beyond to make sure you are worthy of staying there. That’s my intentions.”

Lawson’s impact at Poole has seen the club commit to hosting a testimonial to recognise his years of service to the sport.

Originally scheduled for 2023, it was pushed back to this year, with the hope it can be fitted in at Wimborne Road towards the end of the season.

“I’m really excited for that,” said Lawson.

“To have it here, I’ve got some good supporters behind me week in, week out. That will be great.

“Hopefully the weather will be good in early September and we can have a great day.”

Lawson is next due in action for Poole on Wednesday, July 3, at home against Edinburgh Monarchs.