I HAVE just read your opinion on the fine for double line parking by a gentleman Mr Steve Paddon (Daily Echo, November 5) and his positive kindly help to a 75-year-old pensioner re his accident in a mobile scooter. How I do thoroughly agree with you.

For me today, every authority seems to be on the make. No thought whatsoever for the real circumstances. That goes for the greedy airport charging £2.50 to drop off/pick up people. No other charges like that.

They should be only too pleased in these hard up days to get the holidaymakers’ custom.

There is no facility whatsoever for disabled people to get a wheelchair when arriving home late at night. Last time I was in the pouring rain and no one on hand to help to get to a taxi or car.

Apparently a lot of taxi drivers won’t drive to the airport because of the real hassle, not worth it.

Oh for the lovely days when Mr Peter Bath used to wave his holiday makers to a happy holiday by his airline.

It was truly a wonderful start to ones holiday. Easy just to drive up to the door for In and Out, it was of course “Just as it should be”. Not anymore Of course those were happy, easy days for the customer and have now well and truly gone.

Now we have the big bucks merchants from Manchester and its a totally different ball game.

Money, Money, Money is their favourite song.

No service with a smile, but a ruthless “couldn’t care less” abour running facilities for truly disabled people.

These sort of “get rich operators” should be shown the door by the holiday folk of Bournemouth and the area!

So much for good service with a smile. Pathetic.

NORMAN HAMILTON, Newcombe Road, Southbourne