I AM writing this letter with a sense of outrage, anger and despair.

Once again thieves have struck and once again my daughter and her innocent horses were the victims. It would seem horse owners are easy targets!

You know who you are if you are reading this but I suppose that is highly unlikely.

Last time it was petty stuff.

This time, you chose a night when the weather was awful, at the coldest time of the year.

For her to arrive at her field in the dark this morning, with snow falling and the weather bitter cold, to find all her hay and hard feed gone was hard for her to take.

How low can you get? To deprive animals of their food at this time of the year beggars belief and, no, leaving a couple of bales behind doesn't make you a better person.

Perhaps you think that horse owners are rich pickings, that they have loads of money?

If so, how wrong you are. My daughter works long, hard hours to pay for her horses and every penny is accounted for.

I suppose you thought she was rolling in it and could easily afford to replace everything you stole... well guess what, she couldn’t and if it wasn’t for family rallying around, feeding her horses for the rest of the month would have been a real struggle.

Rest assured though she won’t make it so easy for you again. I hope you can sleep at night because I for one don't think you deserve to.

MRS S WELLS, Dale Valley Road, Oakdale, Poole