REGARDING the letter (Feb 7) about imposing a speed limit on the A31 past Ringwood to reduce accidents, one of your correspondents stated that to close the exit by the Fish Inn would help.

As has been pointed out before, this is not where the accidents happen and closing this exit would make Ringwood a cul de sac.

Anything entering the Market Place would then have to turn around and exit back down the high street, an already congested area. Large delivery lorries would have trouble passing each other.

Warning notices on the approach to the A31 flyover plus a little common sense from drivers would all help the situation.

Even when the traffic is queuing it is hard to get someone to let you out.

Let’s start thinking about others using the road and use a bit of common courtesy to others and let’s not be in such a race to get everywhere.

PHILIP COAKLEY, Hightown Road, Ringwood