ON Ash Wednesday St John’s, Ashley Road and The Church of the Good Shepherd congregation joined together for the service. A bowl of ashes was on the communion table and during the service we were invited to make a sign of the Cross on our foreheads. The old tradition I believe was to bring Palm Crosses from the year before and burn them.

Some people do fast, not just at Lent and it has been a blessing for them and others. Some people cannot because of health reasons.

Lent gives us just one of many opportunities of saying sorry to Jesus, because of us he had to die but Easter tells us this was not the end.

Instead of giving up material things at Lent, perhaps we can give our time in prayer and worship, but also what can we do for our neighbour?

Hope this answers a few of the questions to the gentleman who wrote in.

SYLVIA CHAPPELL, Uppleby Road, Parkstone