Before electric scooters the disabled were pushed in wheelchairs by some kind person who gave their time.

I would say to people who object to mobility scooters, find a disabled person and volunteer to push them on a road like Ashley Road, Parkstone. They will find it very hard as the pavement slopes towards the road and driveways, to cross it is not easy with someone 18 stone.

I worked fifty years of my life, very rarely had days off and very rarely went to a doctor, but two years ago I found I had a job to walk without pain so I went to my doctor who I had never seen before. He said: “Old chap, your ankle bone is worn out and there is no cure.”

So I’m in pain every step I take.

So as not to be a burdon on the NHS I bought my own scooter, tax and I insured it, and I can legally go on the road with a number plate and tax disc.

I only hope people like you never get to be disabled and have to eat your words.