I HAVE read Cllr Beesley’s letter to Have Your Say, March 20, and with my limited grasp of local government speak tried to understand exactly the point he is trying to make.

“Long term strategic vision” and “strategic partnership” along with the well worn “town centre master vision,” regeneration and comprehensive development of strategic (that word again) Bournemouth sites etc, etc.


All we seem to get, in reality, are plans and proposals for more shop units and more restaurants diluted with more high grossing apartment blocks and a couple of palm trees to make it look as though they really care about how the town ends up.

Sadly, local government has failed the people of Bournemouth for many years now.

Too little attention paid to the long term effect of their knee-jerk reactions to public issues.

Too much attention paid to the inexplicable need to build, build, build.

The argument that development is required to provide facilities and revenue for the good of the community does not hold up.

In your seven years Mr Beesley we have acquired very little other than student accommodation blocks and a few more car parks.

Perhaps your focus should be on restoring the good image of our town instead of the apparent obsession with development.

GEOFF COOPER, Methuen Road, Bournemouth