ALADDIN’S Cave in Christchurch (‘No tourists’, Daily Echo March 21) is Mark Galpin’s business, not a free council funded museum for tourists who have time to fill before their coach arrives.

Simon Scarborough (Letters, March 25), general manager of the Norfolk Royale, thinks Mr Galpin’s approach ‘oddball’.

What would his thinking be if his hotel had a coach pick up point outside – and this was resulting in hundreds of tourists browsing function rooms, using toilets, spending nothing, but filling his reception area?

I think he would want to keep the high class feel of his hotel for customers and guests, not be providing a free coach waiting room.

As for ‘oddball approach’, this is what Bournemouth councillors have had towards the BIC pool, Winter Gardens, the Reef and Imax building. Hotel managers would be better directing criticisms to them if they want to attract more tourists to the area.

CAROLINE WOOD Moorside Road, Bournemouth