LIKE most people, my budget is geared to monthly payments, and monthly income.

So why can't we pay our council tax over 12 months of the year, with any increase (or decrease!) adjusted each April.

At present we get a 10-month standing order or direct debit programme from the council, with February 1 and March 1 “free” months, and then we are hit on April 1 with a sudden unexpected large debit on our bank statement.

OK, I plead guilty! I should have opened that large brown envelope from the council, but life is such that we all tend to put large brown envelopes somewhere safe and open it later (if ever!).

My TV licence lets me pay monthly so long as I prepay one or two months – why can't the council give us this option? I am sure that the combination of advance payments and less chasing for arrears will benefit the council, even if it may leave us poor ratepayers out of pocket on our cash flow. (But how about a discount re advance payment? And pigs may fly!) Watch for loads of “jobsworth” reasons why it cannot be done – but they should never forget it is our money which pays their salaries.

PETER BINGHAM, Wimborne Road, Bournemouth