Surveying the state of our country with its hard pressed people struggling to make ends meet, with things getting steadily worse for them.

Meanwhile at the other end of the spectrum the wealthy are unaffected by the austerity fashioned onto the less well off.

Cameron’s catchphrase of us all being in it together has a hollow ring.

It’s my opinion that Cameron’s main mission is to ensure that the class divide which is etched deeply into the very fabric of our society remains in place, or indeed grows in favour of the wealthy, whilst insisting everyone is getting a fair crack of the whip.

Nothing could be further from the truth. We have MP Christopher Chope ringing his hands in glee at having three servants to serve his lunch, nearby the House of Lords feeds the blue bloods with unrivalled feasts subsidised by tax payers.

As this is occurring ordinary people queue at food banks across this land, which have sprung up to help feed the poor and their families.

We have tax cuts for the wealthy and a bedroom tax for the poor, bankers who still take fat wages topped with big bonuses.

At the other end welfare is being stripped and denied across the board regardless of what details prevail with the recipients.

The class divide is growing and Cameron’s unspoken mantra is working, with its theme, that the rich shall remain rich and grow richer, as the rest of us tussle for what’s left over.

PJ LITTLEFIELD, Victoria Avenue, Winton, Bournemouth