I THOUGHT you may be interested in a comment a 'visitor' made when she came into the Hayloft Gallery in Christchurch today to see my exhibition.

The man and wife come to Christchurch to stay very regularly, and live in Kent.

The wife said to me: "We were disgusted when we were travelling down here last week to hear on the Jeremy Vine programme on Radio 2 that Christchurch no longer welcomes visitors. We were so upset as we have been coming here for years, and feel we don't want to come here anymore as were not wanted!"

I assured them it wasn't 'Christchurch' who had those views but one shop owner. I said that Christchurch loves and welcomes its visitors.

The view that 'Christchurch doesn't welcome visitors’ had gone out nationally. If she has said it as it was, and if they are thinking that, how many of the rest of the population of Britain are?

I would love for all those people he turns away to come into the Hayloft Gallery. They would be most welcome! The trouble is, visitors don't know it is there, but that is a matter for another day!

SUE KNIGHTS, Christchurch