BOURNEMOUTH Cllr Mike Greene is happy to talk of the accuracy of the official images of the Navitus wind farm scheme (‘Alternative View Of Wind Farm Scheme’, Daily Echo March 21) but is silent about the wholly inaccurate images he and fellow councillors promote in a public meeting.

The opposition Challenge Navitus images he promotes are a disgrace. They present views of the turbines 160 per cent bigger than they would actually be seen.

This group Challenge Navitus argue their use of magnified imagery is based on “careful experimental research”. But they base it on no such thing.

The study they base it on (Hunter 2012) is not peer reviewed, has no literature review, is biased by its sponsors, is the work of Environmental Scientists not psychologists, purports to overturn decades of established human psycology, and all this after one tiny experiment. No wonder one of the two authors has disappeared from the paper.

The group Challenge Navitus were already well outside accept practice with their ‘through-the-letterbox’ videos of the Navitus scheme. Their new 160 per cent magnified images are surely wholly unacceptable.

DR MARTIN RODGER, Bloxworth Road, Pool