Earlier this year, Poole council were offering to fast-track planning permission and suchlike to help fill the empty High Street shops to increase the footfall.

But no one mentioned that such shops had to be politically correct in the eyes of the public. So May 18’s front page headline, Sex Shop Shock, came as quite a surprise that people were finding it objectionable as (a) it is situated opposite a schoolwear shop, and (b) the nimby's are crowing about it already, despite the fantastic front page coverage it brought with it to inform everyone of its presence.

Some said 'Oh, it's disgraceful, I couldn't walk past it!' What's disgraceful about putting a little bit of zip into the pro-creation of the species?

No one is forcing anyone to go inside at gun point, but even if we don't, it 'lowers the tone.'

Does a reformed alcoholic feel the same way about walking past a pub or bar? Or a vegetarian walking past a butchers? Or a compulsive gambler walking past a betting shop?

And how about that lingerie shop in Kingland Crescent, no one seems to have turned a hair in the last 20+ years regarding its mannequins in the windows wearing bras, panties, stockings and all of the other items.

Rather like I have said in these pages before, stop being so darned Orwellian.

We won two World Wars to enjoy the freedom of choice, and now you, the public, and the government are doing your best to remove that freedom which our fathers and forefathers fought and died for.

Good luck to the entrepreneurial spirit of the owner, John Budimir, and in the name of those 76 million people who lost their lives to allow us to enjoy this world today, I hope his enterprise is a resounding success.

Alan Burridge, Blandford Road, Upton