I WRITE supporting Philip Whitelegg's call to de-clutter our shopping areas (Rid the area of A-boards 13th May). The problem, however, is not confined to advertising.

There must be very few roads where we do not see vehicles parked on the pavement. Not just in shopping areas (where they frequently ignore loading restrictions) but on our residential roads as well.

Part of the problem is enforcement. Where there are no parking restrictions, neither traffic warden nor police officers are able to ticket as long as the pavement is not completely obstructed.

I call on Bournemouth council to bring in a T.R.O. banning ALL pavement parking unless specifically excepted. This will allow traffic wardens to ticket offenders and transform our living spaces.

We need to encourage walking as a means of transport for many reasons. This must involve putting motor vehicles in their place – not allowing them to further encroach by taking up pedestrian areas too.

MIKE CHALKLEY, Cowper Road, Bournemouth