In response to Mr Colledge’s letter commenting on the cleanliness of the Bournemouth Pavilion, we thank him for taking the time to visit us with Cllr Bob Chapman and would like to reassure him and Echo readers of the care and pride BH Live takes in the housekeeping within our venues.

Footfall into the Bournemouth Pavilion is growing year on year with over 200,000 visits last year; this can be attributed to the improved customer experience, event programming and the new drama and dance facilities.

Investment is being made in customer facing areas and areas that aren’t always obvious such as roof repairs and investment to back stage areas to ensure the building operates as efficiently as possible. BH Live is working closely with Bournemouth Borough Council to plan such investment which has to be prioritised.

The brass railings Mr Colledge mentioned, although aged and exposed to the elements, are regularly cleaned and BH Live also carries out daily and regular deep cleans inside the building.

Consequently we receive many positive comments from customers and clients; they have told us how impressed they are with our cleanliness compared to other venues and are greatly looking forward to our fantastic summer line up of cultural shows, activities and entertainment including musical sensations Carnaby Street, Stomp and Joseph alongside performances from Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra as well as hit comedians!

PAUL GRIFFITHS, Bournemouth Pavilion General Manager