I have had the pleasure of meeting Debbie and Robert Eaton (Echo, May 20) several times during my mayoral year.

They are indeed an inspirational couple. Not only are they coping with Debbie’s illness and the loss of their beloved son, but they work tremendously hard for those disadvantaged by deafness and learning difficulties.

In their workshop at Stanley Green they have an upholstery department, where the staff are designing and making the most amazing things from cushions to re-covering car seats.

They have recently completed a huge project for a local tourist attraction, who have upgraded their café area.

In another area, Robert and his skilled mechanics are teaching young people to repair and restore all types of vehicles.

The last time I was there they were restoring an old VW camper van, and what a grand job they were doing. Recently, a local teenage girl who has been restoring a bright yellow Mini at Robert’s workshop told me she had been “going off the rails” before Robert gave her the chance to do what she had always wanted to do – be a car mechanic.

These are the sort of people Debbie and Robert are, and our love and thoughts are with them both.

CAROL EVANS, Deputy Mayor of Poole