It re-situated, after about 20 public benches were removed without any notice or consultation.

There are many elderly and disabled people in this part of town, and I am surprised there has been no hue and cry from them on this subject.

I am not elderly, but have recently had a bout of sciatica, as well as some heart problems and walking back from the shops, needed to sit down every 100 yards.

Luckily many of the properties have low walls.

We know the reason for the removal of these seats, but central Bournemouth has far bigger drunk problems, but this would never happen there. But of course, Boscombe doesn’t have posh hotels and a Westover Road.

Recently a brand new bench has been installed on Christchurch Road near Warnford Road, costing hundreds of pounds. Who said: “We’re all in this together”?

Well not quite.

DAVE LOVETT, Campbell Road, Bournemouth