ON reading your article regarding the above proposal for a new Eco Business Park at Magna Road I felt compelled to write and raise a few issues arising from the decision by Poole Planners to reject the scheme.

Firstly I thought it was incumbent on local authorities to maximise employment opportunities, especially in these difficult economic times.

Also as the land in question was considered an appropriate location for future employment use it seems strange to now turn down the opportunity to create a modern low carbon business park with four or five large plots, one of which Lush had expressed an interest in together with two further plots having other companies showing an interest in them also.

One reason for refusal was that there is at present sufficient undeveloped land in the borough but I doubt there are individual sites able to accommodate business premises of the scale proposed here.

A further anomaly arises when one considers this is the same council who tried to push through an approval to build houses on possible more sensitive land at Talbot Heath which was only stopped on intervention of central government so why refuse this scheme which would ease unemployment and give a significant boost to the local economy.