BOURNEMOUTH council claims to be rejuvenating the Boscombe area and yet I have been three weeks phoning and getting nowhere about the dirty streets around the Walpole/Hamilton and Carysfort Road area.

I am told the council does not know when this area is scheduled for cleaning – or that someone will phone me back and no one ever does. Every time I phone I am on hold a minimum of five to 12 minutes. What does one have to do to get a response from the council?

Either the council is serious about rejuvenating the area or it is not.

So far, their appearance is that they are not. We locals want this area rejuvenated and work hard to that effect.

Shame on the council for offering lip service with nothing to back it up.

What do we have to do to get our streets cleaned?

JOHN BELLAMY Hamilton Hall, Bournemouth

  •  A statement from the council’s street services manager Stuart Best said the council had introduced additional street cleansing teams in Boscombe and the area had its own street cleansing champion on patrol.

He added: “As part of our Backing Boscombe campaign we have introduced new solar powered compacting bins in the precinct and surrounding areas which are able to hold more litter and can notify us when full.

“Four additional street cleansing teams are working currently to deal with the influx of visitors across the town and our hit squad will be visiting the Walpole, Hamilton and Carysfort roads as a result of the issue that has been raised.”