IN your report, “Wind farm could be set for new images” (Echo, July 2) Mike Unsworth of Navitus Bay Development Limited claimed that Challenge Navitus “has refused to produce visualisations that comply fully with industry standard… In the interests of openness, we would urge them to do so as we have done and adopt the current standards in both the development and production of their images.”

I cannot let Mr Unsworth’s comments go unchallenged.

He seems to miss the point that the current guidance on visualisation has long been criticised for misrepresenting the perceived scale and distance of developments. Challenge Navitus is simply applying the best, most up-to-date, information.

If we wait for new guidance to be formally adopted in England, it will almost certainly be too late for this project. That would deny everyone the chance to benefit from the improved methods, and we don’t think there is good reason to delay further given the strength of the evidence.

It is not true that Challenge Navitus has refused to produce images to the current guidance. In fact, many have already seen them.

Challenge Navitus should not need to create such images because that is the developer’s responsibility. However, since we are happy to illustrate the point, we have posted montages using the ‘current’ and ‘newer’ methods on our website challengenavitus. for all to compare.

The acid test for any method is a comparison at the actual location, so try comparing our images and the developer’s to judge for yourself whether the newer method is more accurate than the old.

DR ANDREW LANGLEY, Challenge Navitus, Swanage