I HAVE just been cared for extremely well by a very dedicated and experienced team of nurses on the Women’s Health Unit at the Royal Bournemouth Hospital. Through your paper I would like to thank them and wish them well for the future.

Sadly, and astonishingly I learnt that this wonderful unit that is so practised at caring for us ladies is being closed. All these nurses are to be dispersed around the hospital and apparently there will no longer be a Women’s Health Unit.

I was told that the Jigsaw Appeal, that has raised so much money for the ‘new’ Women’ Health Unit is only going towards a Monday to Friday day unit for Women’s health and that if an overnight stay is necessary, the patient will be put anywhere where there is a spare bed!

Will this be on a mixed ward? In my opinion this is an extremely retrograde step and feel very sad for these staff who have fought hard to keep this ward open and have so enjoyed caring for us ladies, some for over 20 years.

Thanks again, you kind nurses.

JENNY MOULDER, Wishart Gardens, Bournemouth