THE news that, on the opening of the UK’s newest wind farm, off the Suffolk coast, the £1.6billion project’s operator admitted that more than 66 per cent of the building work has gone to foreign companies, should act as a wake-up call in Bournemouth and Poole.

With the latest round of public exhibitions about to start a new propaganda offensive to convince us of the merits of dumping the world’s biggest wind farm in our bay, it’s more important than ever for local people to have their say.

With as many as 200 colossal wind turbines, up to 600 feet tall, this project is too big, too close to shore and will blight the environment, tourism and boating amenities for the next 25 years.

I urge people to stop sleepwalking towards the industrialisation of our beautiful bay.

Write to your MP or Bournemouth Borough Council and tell them we don’t want the wind farm.

P A DEWHURST, McKinley Road, Bournemouth