I REFER to the letter in Monday’s Daily Echo from Nancy Curtis.

There is a choice and I hope the people will make the right one. It is important that Christchurch, Bournemouth and Poole keep their individual identities. I agree with Christopher Chope when he says we will be better off staying as we are. Either way we still have rises in local taxes. We will save money by not merging councils. How much will it cost for the merger?

I would just like to point out that, as many know, Dorset County Council set up a company called TRICURO to run its care homes which doesn’t appear to be working because of cuts and staff discontentment and I believe it is affecting the residents. This is an example of changes which the council thought were for the better.

Is the same thing going to happen if the three councils merge, my meaning being, will we end up with poor quality services?

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