UNFORTUNATELY we are seeing many local buses cut in Bournemouth and Dorset following loss of subsidy, with councils having to make tough choices following cuts to budget.

The Bat Bus, which is a service run by Sedcat, is a local community transport charity that offers help to people struggling with mobility providing excellent value for money for a door to door, fully accessible and inclusive service.

Membership applies as services are provided under section 19 permit but this does enable the full range of services to be used such as community cars and trips out.

We are in the process of developing services and trying to fill gaps in local transport provision and we are looking at ways we can help those people stranded.

If there is demand we will run an additional service covering some areas on the 41 route and details of the service and cost will be publicised as soon as possible.

Community Transport operators like Sedcat are being asked to play a greater role in transport provision where it is not viable for a commercial service to run.

This will however introduce some different ways of accessing services to what people have been used to in the past.

More details can be found at sedcat.org.uk or by phoning 01202 598295.


Sedcat Manager

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