YOUR report that Poole, surely one of the wealthiest towns in the country, intends to restrict refuse collections to once a fortnight prompts me to ask how much of Poole still belongs to the Canford Estate?

It is a matter of historical fact that the early part of the 19th century saw much of the common land in this country, including land in Bournemouth, bought up by those with the money at the time; some improvements were undoubtedly carried out, but the huge increase in land values in recent years has undoubtedly bought huge increases in unearned wealth.

Locally we have seen the long delay in restoring the eyesore that is the Cliff End Hotel in Bournemouth, now in its 14th year of neglect; could that neglect as with the need for Poole to introduce fortnightly bin collections have anything to do with a pattern of land ownership created a great many years ago?

We have been frequently told in the past few months in the European Union referendum campaign of the importance of restoring the sovereignty of the British Parliament; what better way of demonstrating that sovereignty has been returned than by imposing a tax on unearned land values.


Craigmoor Avenue, Bournemouth