THE Super Council consultation has begun with the information document and questionnaire now available online ( and in libraries. But the publicity remains grossly deficient. Indeed, it is noticeable for its absence.

Yet what is most outrageous is the content of the information document and questionnaire. The level of obfuscation and dissembling beggars belief.

They are evidently unfit for purpose. Indeed, it would take the whole of this letters page to list fully the misrepresentation and omission.

The document gets so wound up in trying to keep on-message that its primary Key Features are simply wrong.

That is the numbers gleaned from the supporting analysis are the wrong numbers.

I get the impression that the many authors who have created this monster do not any of them understand the simple mathematical model within the supporting analysis, a model which itself appears to contain a big big error.

As for the questionnaire, that is plainly propaganda through-and-through. Paraphrasing:-

Q1 Is it good to reduce waste?

Q2 Do you like our proposal to reduce waste?

Q3 How much do you like ‘value for money’?

Q4 Which version of Super Council is best?

Q5 Any comments?

The End.


Bloxworth Road, Poole

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