I AM writing, yet again, on the subject of the council merger, in reply to Chris Chope MP’s response to my letter.

Raising council tax in Bournemouth and Poole would not bridge the gap in the way Mr Chope is suggesting and it is dangerous to suggest otherwise.

It’s absolutely pointless to repeat what I said in my original letter but Can I urge residents to complete the survey which is being sent out in order to gather our views.

I have received an electronic version (I’m a member of Bournemouth’s e-panel) and although the ‘choices’ don’t specifically include one for Christchurch standing alone there is provision for comments to be made so it’s up to those who agree with Mr Chope to use this accordingly.

If enough Christchurch residents do want to ‘stand alone’ then hopefully provision can be made for this.

However, it should not stop the other councils involved from going ahead with one or other of the alternatives being put forward.

One point that Mr Chope doesn’t raise is that if Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch merge then Christchurch residents will probably pay less council tax than they do currently.

Whatever your thoughts may be, can I urge everyone to exercise their democratic right and complete the survey so that residents’ views can be taken into consideration.


Sea Road, Boscombe

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