WHEN Theresa May took on the job of UK’s prime minister, she announced outside the door of 10 Downing Street that “Brexit means Brexit”.

Since then, very little has been done towards that positive goal: first, a trip to Scotland where most voted to remain, a holiday, then a visit to China, where the ordinary people do not even have a voice.

During that visit – probably inspired by the way that county is run – May made a statement to all of us back home that she “rejects a point-based (Australian) immigration plan”.

This is the very thing on top of the list in which most of us ‘Leave campaigners’ voted for.

So Theresa May’s first Brexit plan is to begin to dilute the majority of the voters’ wishes.

To my mind, I believe Theresa May made a slip of the tongue outside that door at Number 10. What she really meant to say was “Brexit Means Breakit”.

I have heard some ‘Remain’ MPs and disgruntled voters alike suggest that the referendum vote was only advisory and it is still up to the government to decide.

Are we about to see the British People’s Democracy being thrown down the toilet – just like in China?


Wellington Road, Bournemouth

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