REPORTS in the Echo that councillors fear that they are being effectively gagged in the super council debate are worrying.

Apparently councillors are being told that they must “keep an open mind” and “not go too far.” If they overstep the mark, they might be said to have “predetermined” the issue before the outcome of the public consultation is known.

If councillors do express a firm opinion now, and later take part in their council’s vote, some might say that the consultation exercise is a sham (because such councillors have not taken into account the public response) and that the council’s decision is flawed.

These, however, are risks worth taking. We want to know what our councillors are thinking.

They are part of the public consultation, and their views will inform us when we come to respond to the public questionnaire.

We may not agree with them, but we would be frustrated if, when we speak to them, all they can say is “Sorry, we have to sit on the fence and cannot offer any firm views until we know your response to the consultation.”



Dunkeld Road, Bournemouth

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