THERE is a lot of speaking from the government about Brexit, but nothing is said and even less is understandable.

I do not think remoaners are slow learners or dim, so I must assume their constant bleat about “what does Brexit mean?” must be a subterfuge to cloud the issue and to paint Brexiteers as thickos who have been duped.

All those I met in the Dorset Out Campaign and spoke to in the street and on the doorsteps, were very clear what Brexit meant and what they were voting for. They want their country back. That means restoring democratic self-government and self-determination.

For me, immigration was the most glaring example of our loss of self-government and self-determination. A country that is not allowed by outsiders to control its borders has lost these attributes.

Brexit also means restoring the supremacy of English law, being able to make our own trade deals if necessary, controlling our own monetary, taxation and spending policies – an end to paying a tribute of £376m per week to Brussels, controlling our own Armed Services.

On June 27, just four days after our glorious declaration of independence, the Eurotocracy of Merkel, Hollande and the Junkerites, issued an edict that all these would come about.

They included abolishing all EU borders and all national central banks, forcing the eight member states that have not yet done so to join their doomsday euro.

That is their direction of travel: a full-blown supranational empire to which all members must be subject provinces. Could it be they want their own army, apart from and undermining NATO, to enforce all this?

I accept that for remoaners it will take some time for this to sink in. Others may never be able to comprehend the yearning for freedom and independence.

But if they do, they can thank the 17.4million who voted “leave” then.


Dingle Road, Southbourne

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