I HAD to have a long lie down when I read Mr Cowan’s letter which appears to infer that any questioning of the government’s response to this virus (Covid-19) should be condemned.

I believe that an unaccountable government is a very dangerous thing and perhaps he should reflect that we are fortunate to live in a country where we can openly criticise our elected politicians without fear of being locked up or worse.

It is not unpatriotic and does not mean that you are a trouble maker to offer a point of view about the way the government has handled this crisis that may differ to your own.

God save democracy if people stop questioning and in particular if journalists also stop holding the government to account.

Never has a government enjoyed such a lack of proper scrutiny as this one and it has generally had a broadly supportive press.

When people start saying “such negativity is an enemy” we are on a dangerous path.


Fairfield, Christchurch