GREEN lane is used by young and old alike, for either walking, running for health reasons, children enjoying the freedom of a natural area where they are free and for those exercising their dogs.

The council regularly mow the grass and there are dog bins, for us who have dogs, and also a litter bin. To us it is a park.

This is a lovely area, with a sense of freedom, it is a joy to stand at the top of the area and just enjoy the view and the birds singing.

When the sun is shining it gives a glad-to-be-alive feeling.

I really love it.

We are already losing open spaces.

I believe the council’s view in the Bournemouth area is to build houses with a play area for children, but this would leave adults and children without the freedom to play football etc, and just to run.

I spoke to some children today and they said they would start a campaign in their school because they want to keep it.

I realise that people need housing, but not at any cost, especially to children’s health.

Mrs BARBARA WITHERS, Green Lane, Bournemouth