WE WRITE to convey our strong disapproval of proposals to change of use of the land in Green Lane (Daily Echo, April 29).

This recreational area is unique among the dense housing surrounding it and is extremely precious to all ages.

We must fight to keep such places from being concreted and formalised, and to protect the wildlife and natural inhabitants of this green oasis.

In the last few years there have been attempts from various persons on the council to snap at the heels of the local community to order change of use of this land – and on each occasion the very strong community here has rejected such proposals in a very vociferous manner.

Children must be allowed on some natural soil and to appreciate the wildlife and beauty of an unsullied space.

There are many local swing parks and formal areas but Green Lane is unique.

For the sake of the young and for so very many not-so-young who daily walk their dogs and who cannot travel very far, save our Green Lane.

JANE and JOHN PINDER, Green Lane, Bournemouth