WHY have the council still got the empty cabins on Whitecliff recreation ground when the Fourways project no longer requires them? (Calls for inquiry into controversial cabins, Daily Echo, April 27).

The council cabinet mandated in February that they would be moved as a matter of priority and the head of planning said in the same meeting that it would be a couple of weeks! Easter has come and gone, along with tourists using our recreation facilities, and what do they make of these monstrosities?

Summer is coming and I still see no plans to move these cabins.

I have had different stories from each Parkstone ward councillor – one that the cabins will be moved into storage but from another that they will stay until a buyer moves them!

Is this the way that ward councillors value our recreation facilities these days, and at the same time cock a snook at local residents’ wishes?

I have seen many promises made and broken, and deadlines come and go from councillors.

When will they do the right thing and restore the recreation area to its former glory?

JOHN LANGFORD, Sandbanks Road, Poole