I FIND it quite interesting that the demise of the Triangle is being blamed on a handful of sex shops (Daily Echo, April 23).

Since moving to Bournemouth over five years ago I have repeatedly been told of council plans to revitalise the area. I think the lack of follow-up on these plans is more to blame than the sexual interests of some adults.

I am, however, encouraged to hear of Cllr Bob Chapman’s plan to seek £274,000 of funding to realise the potential of the Triangle.

But I’m also a bit concerned that in the Echo’s coverage there is no mention of the importance of the gay community.

As the Triangle is widely known as the centre of the gay community in Bournemouth – the fifth largest gay community in the UK – one would hope consultation with and input from this large and important segment of Bournemouth would be sought.

I would respectfully ask that those representing the Triangle – Cllrs Chapman, Stephen Macloughlin and David Smith – ensure the participation of the gay community in its future.

The congregation of Metropolitan Community Church has desired for many years to relocate to the Triangle to better reach our ‘community’, the gay residents of Bournemouth.

Unfortunately finding a suitable venue that is affordable has proven difficult.

Perhaps as the council plans for the future of the Triangle the inclusion of a place of worship would be a nice blend, along with the desired family friendly shops.

It could also be a nice alternative to the horrible decadence of sex shops. We actually don’t mind being next to them.

After all, sex is part of God’s creation and one of God’s great ideas.

Rev DWAYNE MORGAN, Metropolitan Community Church, Pokesdown, Bournemouth