Very nice to read in the Echo (April 25) that Poole council has opened a green gym in Poole Park.

Wouldn’t you know it? Yet more wonderful facilities for Poole Park.

Never mind the shocking run down state of Branksome so called recreation ground with such poor facilities.

I think it is appalling and I don’t know how anyone from Poole Sports Council or the borough councillors could show their face in Branksome.

Just in case any ever do venture there, then take note of the terrible state of the young people’s basketball court.

They have put up with this and complained for years and the council has totally ignored them. No sports facilities on the rec, no green gym, no fitness trail, no bowls, no tennis courts – the list goes on.

A commentator pointed out on TV recently how political parties take care of “their own people”.

Isn’t that so true?

True blue south of Bournemouth Road, five cabinet members living within yards of Poole Park, with all their supporters, and no expense spared on “their” park.

North of Bournemouth Road, Branksome Recreation Ground can all rot and decay and they have, collectively, no interest.

Accept Poole Town FC on the rec and that’s your lot – take it or leave it.

Is there any more divided borough in the whole country?

I don’t think so.

Malcolm Flemming, Princess Road, Branksome