West Moors Home Watch has a new chairman and during 2009 we want to demonstrate a greater awareness of crime problems, protect people and their property by encouraging cooperation and communication within their community and promote practical crime prevention measures in liaison with the police.

To achieve these aims, we need more people to act as friends of the community by distributing three news letters per year to immediate neighbours and collecting their subs of £1 per annum.

This will entitle them to advice on securing their homes, thereby protecting their property and possessions and access to aids in crime prevention such as CCTV and property marking kits.

Some insurance companies will give discounts to home watch members, and we can supply a temporary burglar alarm if, for instance, you have to go into hospital.

Members had access to a list of approved traders recommended by other members of Home Watch and Regular crime updates – more if you have email.

When you join, you are given a crime prevention kit including a marker pen.

If you want to be a “knight of your road” then contact 01202-896939.

Pamela Long, address supplied