EMMA JOSEPH (Daily Echo, June 24), writing about Verwood CE First School’s closure after the diagnosis of one of its pupils with swine flu, at least asks – though does not answer – the crucial question: will we all be vaccinated against this disease?

If this alleged pandemic poses such a massive threat, and particularly in light of recent Parliamentary scandal, then one might assume that the government and mass media would want to ensure maximum transparency by dissemination of accurate information.

Pigs might fly (or swine flew).

Speaking in Parliament concerning this infection, the language of the then Health Secretary Alan Johnson sounded ominous (Hansard, May 14): “It is our intention to acquire sufficient stocks to vaccinate the entire population” and “we can begin to vaccinate the whole of the population as soon as possible.”

The words ‘compulsory’ or ‘mandatory’ do not appear, but the inference is surely there.

So, if the government has plans to compel everyone to receive this vaccination, or any other medication, then perhaps they could re-direct some of the “disinfectant of sunlight” that they keep wittering on about so that we can have an open and scientifically based dialogue.

B CROUCH, St Just Close, Ferndown