Many serious road accidents occur during the first years of the driver obtaining a licence.

Perhaps the process in this country is too easy.

My grandson, who lives in Australia, has outlined the process he is going through to get his driving licence.

Stage one is several hours of study to pass a written test. Passing stage one is a pre-requisite to having driving lessons.

For a full licence he must log 120 hours of driving experience with a driving instructor or qualified driver. He must then pass a computer hazard test prior to the on-the-road driving test.

Having passed the above he can drive on the road with the following restrictions.

For the first year his car must at all times display green ‘P’ plates.

The restrictions are no mobile phone use of any sort; only one passenger between the ages of 16 and 21, zero alcohol and no high powered cars.

For the following three years the ‘P’ plate is red. The alcohol and high powered car restrictions still apply. Breaches of these conditions can result in suspension or extension of the ‘P’ plate.

Similar restrictions might save a few young lives in the UK.

David Hawksworth, Branksome Wood Road, Bournemouth